Server statistics

Total users
46657 days
Online time of all user / Total
156 days
Online time of all user / month
36 days
Online time of all user / week

Server usage

Active / inactive time (of all clients)

Versions (of all clients)

Nationalities (of all clients)

Platforms (of all clients)

User online last 24 hours
User online last 7 days
User online last 30 days
User online last 90 days

Current statistics

Server status Online
Clients (Online / Max) 4 / 32
Amount of channels 96
Average server ping 28 ms
Total bytes received 12.28 GiB
Total bytes sent 16.40 GiB
Server uptime 00 Days, 00 Hours, 00 Mins, 00 Secs
Average packet loss 0.1 %

Overall statistics

Server name [AE] | Public | Free Perm Channels [last 7 days]
Server address (Host Address : Port)
Server password No (Server is public)
Server ID 12
Server platform Linux
Server version 3.13.7
Server creation date (dd/mm/yyyy) 29/11/2015
Report to server list Activated